In Mošćenička Draga we are fortunate to have a lovely selection of various accommodations, which will suit almost every budget and taste. We hope you will find the brief listing of nearby accommodations helpful. For more information on nearby accommodations feel free to contact us.

  • HOTELS in Mošćenička Draga

    In Mošćenička Draga you will be able to enjoy your vacation in the proximity of our dive centre.
    The dive centre is located on the seaside of the Hotel Marina and only a few meters’ from Hotel Mediteran.

  • Private Accommodations

    Spend your vacation in a place of tranquillity, surrounded by green hills and only 700m from the centre of Mošćenička Draga.

    Book your vacation today at Bed and breakfast Pension Buba.

  • Campsite

    The autocamp Draga surrounded by rich Mediterranean vegetation is located only 150m from the town’s centre and the beach. They will make your stay pleasant with its neatness, cleanliness, dedication, as well as courtesy of its staff.